venerdì 12 settembre 2014

Colors and words

Questo settembre tra nuvole e sole ispira un'ode alla pioggia
che bagna gli ultimi giorni d'estate...

... nuove pagine, nuovi giorni...

... rimetto ordine nella mia craft room e nelle mie idee
in questo venerdì piovoso!
Saluti colorati

10 commenti:

  1. How beautiful! I love the rain--I really really do. So that's my favorite.

  2. ♥vov, love all!!! Happy Sunday, my friend!

  3. Thank you for sharing your beautiful inspirations with us at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy!

    Congratulations - you are one of our featured guests at this week's party (Week 141)!

  4. Io sto incantato con queste voci in agenda arte, rose Finesse, bellissimo!

  5. The raindrops and the lovely poem are like icing on a very beautiful cake.
    Thank you so much for joining our 150th challenge at Word Art Wednesday. I thank God for your participation and I pray you will have a day filled with joy.

    Carole Robb Bisson

  6. This is simply stunning. What gorgeous colors. So soft and peaceful. And your poem is truly lovely! Everything about your project made me smile :)

    Thank you for sharing your lovely project with us at Word Art Wednesday!

    Have a blessed day!

    Heather D.

  7. Beautiful artwork

  8. Mi piace l’idea di un po 'di pioggia per ispirare la creatività.
